The Straight Wheels

The Straight Wheels Description:

  • Each Wheel is Rated at 250 Pounds of Load Capacity (Four Wheels Support Approximately 1,000 Pounds, which is More Than the Table Rating)
  • Wheel the Table into the Kitchen, Load it Up with Food, Beverages, Serving Utensils, Etc., and then Smoothly Glide the Table into its Final Position
  • Saves Substantially on Labor. Cuts Down on the Number of Trips Between Locations
  • No Special Tools Needed to Attach
  • Does not Significantly Raise the Table Height (less than ¾ of an inch). No Cutting of Table Legs
  • Most Tables can be Folded with the Wheels Left On
  • Easy to Attach…Easy to Remove
  • Includes 4 Straight Wheels
  • Wheelize Almost Any Table
  • Heavy Duty Locking Wheels Add Versatility and Flexibility to Round, Square, and Rectangular Tables.
  • Fits Virtually Any Table with Standard Legs
  • USA 🇺🇸 Made


The Straight Wheels

Add Wheels to a Table
The Straight Wheels are Simple to Attach

  • It is recommended that the table be turned over completely so that it is upside down and stable. Do this on a stable, flat surface.
  • Place the leg fully into the Straight wheel leg-cup wheel.
  • Face the wheel inward as this will ensure that the wheels do not “Stick-out” from the table causing a safety hazard. In addition, with the wheels facing inward, most tables can be folded as they ordinarily are.
  • However, some brands of tables may not fold properly and the wheels will have to be removed in order for the table to fold as designed by the manufacturer.
  • Finger tighten the Screw in the side of the leg-cup.
  • Using the Allen Key included with the wheels (and after finger tightening, turn the screw ½ to 1 full turn to secure the wheel assembly to the table leg the screw secures the wheel assembly to the leg.
  • Do not over-tighten the screw as this may strip the threads in the wheel assembly.
  • Tighten until the screw encounters moderate resistance and no further.
  • USA 🇺🇸 Made


The Straight Wheels are designed to attach to most white resin folding tables (rectangular or round shape). Please refer to the bullet below to ensure a safe and secure fit.

  • If the table leg does not fit easily in the leg-cup do not force or try to make it fit.
  • You can leave the rubber stopper – which is on the bottom of the table leg on or off.
  • If you leave the rubber table leg cap on it will raise the table 5 inches, if you take the rubber leg cap off it will raise the table 4 inches.
  • Make sure the table leg can be fully inserted into the leg-cup so that the leg is sitting at the bottom of the cup. (It must sit in the bottom of the cup to achieve the necessary support for stability).
  • There should be some space between the leg and the wall of the leg-cup.

Download Directions & Safety Instructions


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